How Can Fat Help You Lose Weight?

Ten years ago, if you told me that taking coconut oil, which is extremely high in saturated fat, would help me lose weight, I probably would’ve told you to take a hike. I definitely would not have believed it. After all, it is commonly accepted knowledge that when you’re on a diet, you don’t want to consume fat. Fat is bad for you. We have been told that fat can clog our arteries and that fat makes you fat. Unfortunately, this is a lie, propagated by manufacturers, and also by our own government.

Typically, I don’t subscribe to conspiracy theories, but when it comes to fat and healthy eating, you need to look beyond the surface. Margarine doesn’t taste nearly as good as butter, and is actually way worse for your health. Margarine is very cheap to produce. With the high profits companies make selling margarine, they’re able to convince people that higher fat competition like butter was actually bad for your health. In the last decade or so, it has been proven that partially hydrogenated vegetable oils in margarine, are some of the worst that you can take into your body. These oils are far worse than fat found in butter.

Movie theaters use partially hydrogenated oil, instead of coconut oil. In fact in many states, government legislation has become negatively involved. They have made it illegal to sell coconut oil. They have made it even illegal for movie theaters to use coconut oil to cook their popcorn. Basically, our government wants us to be fat! Either that, or there are enough people stupid enough to believe in big business propaganda. Personally, I think big government and big business are exactly the same thing. They both use each other, to get what they want. They both ignore what is really important to the average American. They both work to destroy our freedom.

Coconut oil contains the same type of fat found in breast milk. This type of fat helps with your brain development. It also helps you to have healthy membranes around each of your body cells. Most coconut oil is 100% natural, and unprocessed. Coconut oil can last several years without going rancid, especially if you keep it in a solid form.

How Does a Coconut Oil Diet Work?

Basically, you want to consume coconut oil once a day in place of your lunch. You’ll want to take one to two tablespoons of coconut oil. Even though it is high in fat, it will satiate your appetite. It will help you fill your hunger, and it would give you a very healthy source of fat soluble vitamins and minerals. Not only will you feel more healthy, you also start to lose weight. My wife use a coconut oil diet to lose close to 20 pounds. Not only that, she also use coconut oil to help break her dependency on sweets.

Natural fats are a great way to get fat soluble vitamins and minerals. If you eat chemical fats, you are not getting any of the same nutrition. It is the same thing as eating processed sugar versus a healthy caloric diet. Processed sugars are empty calories. They do nothing to sustain you nutritionally. Furthermore, processed sugars can also be addictive. This is why so many manufacturers use them. They want people to become addicted to their products and buy them more often.

The truth is that sugars make you fat. And good, high-quality fats, fill you up nutritionally, and help you to feel nourished. When you’re nourished, you’re less likely to overeat and put on extra weight. Sugar consumption has gone up 400% since 1930. And surprisingly, a lot of these numbers continue to grow. It is no surprise why more and more children develop early obesity, severe cavities and require root canals.

A lot of times, people develop fats because they ingest toxins. Toxins are often found in processed foods. When you take toxins in your body, your body often creates fat to keep the toxins from spreading. Even healthy foods also make you fat.

The worst part about processed foods, flavored with chemicals and excess sugars, is they actually trick our brains into thinking that we need them. They make us chemically dependent. This is the truth that a lot of people don’t realize. When our brain gets used to processed food and junk food, we think we need them, and our bodies crave them. Manufacturing companies use chemical warfare on millions of Americans.

Most people live in a dreamland. The truth is out there, but they are content to dream and trust that someone else will take care of them. People don’t want to do the hard work and be responsible for their own future. Even though people don’t want to be fat, they don’t want to wake up and actually have to figure out how to change their life. The time is now, for you to wake up and change. You don’t have to be fat anymore. Nobody does. But you do have to find out where the truth is. If you’re currently fat, you need to find out what you’re doing wrong and how you can improve your diet. Fight your chemical dependency on sugars and processed foods. Fight as hard as you can, because your life might just be at stake!