Bringing a baby into this world is an impressive thing to do that doesn’t get enough credit. The truth is a few will understand the challenges and changes a baby brings in your life.
One such challenge is losing your post-partum weight.
Many women experience postnatal depression, which makes weight loss an even more challenging and occasionally impossible thing to do. However, a lifestyle change will allow you to lose weight and regain your pre-pregnancy confidence!
Here are some must-consider weight loss tips to get you started!
Mindful Eating
It will be six or more weeks after delivery that your doctor will allow you to engage with physical exercising. Until then, you need to take good care of yourself nutritionally.
Don’t diet, it will burden you with unnecessary stress
Opt for small portions, portion control helps you gradually reduce your calorie intake without feeling hungry
Eat only when hungry, it helps if you get rid of cakes, sweets and salty snacks and sodas
Have a bottle of water with you constantly and drink water every time you crave a frizzy, sugary drink.
Opt for wholesome foods, whole grains, fruit, vegetables, nuts and legumes
Eliminate temptations, but do include sensible treats to keep your spirit up
Plan ahead by finding wholesome recipes for you and your family. If it’s planned, the chances of ordering junk food are minimized.
Release Stress
Ask for support, help and free time! This is super essential. Unless you have ample time, your stress will always be intense. Ask your partner and family for support. Babysitting for a few hours each day will give you the necessary time to relax and re-energize yourself.
Yoga for pregnant women and stretching are non-demanding exercises that are doctor-approved and can help you ease exercise into your life.
Take me-time breaks, baby care is fatiguing and challenging, it’s important to have me-time to cool down and dedicate to yourself. During these breaks, engage with rewarding activities, meet with friends, go for long walks, knit/paint/write/play music/create, whatever helps you unwind.
Gradually introduce habits you had before you got pregnant, hobbies are renowned stress-relievers so reestablish them!
Get some sleep, don’t miss an opportunity to sleep. Sleep deprivation will make you grumpy and sap your energy
Take your time, don’t stress over losing weight fast. Consider your efforts a lifestyle change, not a punishment for gaining weight.
Focus On Improving And Keeping Your Mood In Check
Don’t rush into exercising wait till you feel ready —but don’t use it as an excuse to put exercising off though!
Your weight loss efforts shouldn’t compromise your health, you need to stay healthy to be able to care for your baby and yourself.
Include rewards to keep you going, beauty treatments, spa, hair salons, mani-pedis anything to boost your self-confidence!
Work on self-image improvement by inviting the new and exciting in your life. For instance, update your fashion style, change hairstyle or haircut, find a new hobby or learn a new skill or art.
Do Your Exercise
Start slowly, go for simple exercising that doesn’t put much strain to you physically and mentally. 15-minute daily workouts are adequate for the first week of resuming an exercise plan. Brisk walking, stretching and mild physical exercising are also great starting points.
Baby included, babies love movement and action, if your baby has started crawling and sitting up is a great excuse to include them in your work outs; hold your baby while making squats, or take long walks while carrying the baby in a baby backpack helps strengthen your legs and back.
Join a mum’s group or class. It’s easier to surround yourself with people who understand what you’re going through. In such clubs you’ll get support and guidance and find the strength and momentum to lose weight.
Sleep time. It might be tempting to just sleep next to your baby when they doze off, every couple of hours. See these as exercise opportunities, you only need 20 to 30 minutes of exercise sessions, to get your heart pumping and reenergize yourself.
Remember, post-pregnancy weight loss is different for each woman, prioritize your mood and emotional health and once you feel ready introduce exercising and healthy eating into your life.