Think there’s no way to curb appetite cravings?
This problem has gotten so out of hand that over 70% of Americans and 55% of Europeans are now overweight.
We make the mistake of thinking that we just somehow lack will-power. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
The (mainly) slender people you see in old black and white photos lacked the ability to curb appetite cravings any better than you.
Why then, is it so tough for us?
It’s because of the TYPES of food we eat, and their effects on our hormones. Due to the damage we inflict on our hormone balance, we set ourselves up for long-term hunger cravings, even though we’re not really hungry.
In a minute, I’ll share ways to curb appetite cravings. But it’s extremely important for you to first know that NONE of these tips work instantly; it takes a little work during the beginning. Nonetheless, they work, and they work extremely well.
Instead of doing that work however, you can instead use a short-term pill, or super-restrictive eating pattern for super-quick results.
But stats OVERWHELMINGLY say that you’re going to end up weighing more in a short time from now than you did before ever trying the gimmick. What does research show as to the quickest ways to ease up on those (sometimes overwhelming) cravings?
1. Eliminate, or drastically cut down on sugar in your diet. In their natural state, our hormones maintain a delicate balance between insulin and cortisol, somewhat like a smooth-running machine. Sugar acts like a cog thrown into the moving parts.
Our hormones get drastically out of balance, our blood sugar levels spike, and we have an energy rush, followed by a ‘crash’ where we lose energy, become irritable, and have more sugar cravings.
It can take from several days up to a couple weeks to fully detox from sugar. But doing so is a HUGE step to curb appetite cravings. Need help deciding which surprising foods disrupt our hormones? Check out this free video.
2. Eat more (lots more) fresh vegetables. They provide “bulk” that fills your stomach, and gives the sensation of being ‘full’. Furthermore, they’re low in calories, and vegetables are extremely healthy. An entire head of lettuce has 75 calories. 1 bunch of broccoli? A measly 200. Contrast that with only one creme-filled doughnut, which has anywhere from 400-600 calories.
3. Cut down on caffeine. Even as little as two cups of coffee has the ability to alter our insulin levels, thereby amplifying the effects of sugar. What this means in lay-terms is that we get that ‘rush’ of energy, followed by the ‘down’ several hours later, accompanied by hunger cravings.
Even if we’re not eating sugar, caffeine can still alter our hormones enough to cause hunger cravings. Need that morning cup of coffee? Switch to decaf. I know, it’s not like the real stuff, and it’s a pain. But you can either choose decaf and curb appetite cravings, or risk always feeling hungry.
4. Incorporate some proteins and healthy fats into your diet: Both help make us feel full. In addition, we need them, and die if we don’t get enough of them. Interestingly enough, the typical American eats less fat now than in the 1970′s, yet is much fatter.
Instead, those fats have been replaced by refined sugars and carbohydrates, which many blame as the partial cause of the skyrocketing obesityrates we have today. Does this mean fried chicken should be the new food of choice? Absolutely not.
There’s a huge difference in the types of fat out there. But among the healthiest are fats (and proteins) that we find in places like organic cage-free eggs, grass-fed beef, wild (not farmed) salmon, raw almonds, and raw walnuts for some examples. In addition, avocados, olive oil, and coconut oil are some great choices for healthy fats that help us feel full, and curb appetite cravings for a longer period of time.
5. Supplement with vitamin B complex, and chromium picolinate during your dietary changes. Both have the ability to control blood sugar swings, and ultimately curb appetite cravings. Easily purchased at your local health food store, they’re relatively inexpensive.
How much is a good amount to take? 1000 mg of chromium has been shown to be very useful, whereas 25-100 mg of vitamin B complex has been shown to have great results as well.
These ways to curb appetite cravings can take from a couple of days, to a couple of weeks. and during that time, just every-day functioning can be a royal pain.
However, if you do make the changes, and stick to it, you open yourself up to a new level of health that just happens naturally–no pills, no fads, and all without the constant wrestling of cravings vs will-power.
PS: Need help deciding which foods to eat and which surprising ones to eliminate, check out this free video from one of the few nutritional experts that I actually trust.