Low Carb Diet

Low carb diet has spread between people and they start to eat low carb foods (1). However, the real question is, how can low-carb diet help you with your successful weight loss journey? Will eating low carb foods, keep off the weight permanently or just for a while?

Today we will tell you proven secrets about low carb diet for a successful weight loss journey.

What Is A Low Carb Diet?

Well from its name, you eat fewer carbohydrates and limiting their intake to a certain extent in your diet. That means adding more color in your diet, like eating fruits and vegetables and you will get to put more proteins on your plate, unlike the usual. There are many low carb diet plans out there, and each one has its own rules and restrictions on what to eat and what not to eat.

Why Should I Consider Going On A Low Carb Diet?

The most common reason, and it’s why you are here, is weight loss. Nevertheless, others go on a low carb diet to maintain their health and enjoy the diet’s benefits, for instance; reducing the risks of metabolic syndrome and diabetes.

MYTHS about low carb diet:

These are the most myths popular about low carb diet:

“Carbohydrates make you fat.”

“You can’t eat carbs for your dinner.”

“Low carb diet is perfect for weight loss.”

“You can’t eat any fruit if you want to lose weight.”

8 Benefits of Low-Carb Diets:

What Foods are best for a low-carb diet?

A low carb diet is basically restricting your carb intake. To do so, you need to know which food is healthy and has low carbs to maintain your diet. Low carb diet revolves around no starchy vegetables, fish, meat, poultry, and eggs.

So what are the foods that are high in carbs?

In a low carb diet, you should not eat or limit your intake of most legumes, bread, grains, pasta, sweets, fruits, some nuts and starchy vegetables. However, we’ll tell you later on about some low carb pasta recipes. And regarding fruits, of course, not all are excluded and I’ll give a good list of delicious low-carb fruits to eat.

Advice: A combination of carbs with protein will give you the energy you need, keep you fuller longer and help you to stabilize your blood sugar level. So add some Greek yogurt into your fresh fruit salad or enjoy your favorite piece of fruit with a handful of raw nuts.

Now, let’s move onto some low carb recipes and some quick ideas for your low carb meals.

Any ideas for low carb breakfast meal?

There is nothing better or healthier than starting your day with a protein-packed breakfast to keep your energy level boosted and your hunger in control.

Here are 10 delicious low carb breakfast ideas:

Omelet With Goat Cheese and Your Favorite Herbs:

This is my personal favorite breakfast; the goat cheese adds a yummy, creamy bite to the omelet and the herbs as well.

Scallion Frittata and Crispy Prosciutto:

Make a frittata and add a crunchy and intense flavor into it by baking crispy prosciutto and adding it to your frittata.

Skillet Soufflé:

Choose whatever cheese you like and the herbs that your prefer and have in your refrigerator for a delicious soufflé.

Eggs and Steak With Tomatoes:

Bake some eggs and serve with it sliced steak to boost up your breakfast with proteins and energy.

Broiled Tomatoes With Fried Eggs:

Bake some broiled tomatoes and fried eggs for a yummy jam-like breakfast of low carbs.

Eggs With Herbs:

I know that eggs are included so far in every idea, but to be honest, it is the best low carb breakfast for a healthy low carb diet and I’m offering a variety of options.

Greek Frittata:

Now, you know how to make a frittata, so let’s talk about how to make a Greek frittata! All you need to do to make it Greek is add crumbled feta cheese and some herbs to give it a rich flavor.

Eggs With Cheddar, Chives, and Ham:

It’s time to add ham into your breakfast along with some eggs and cheese for a rich, energizing breakfast.

Baked Eggs With Herbs and Cream:

This is a classic low-carb French breakfast, it very easy to prepare some eggs with herbs and cream and it tastes delicious at the same time.

Ricotta Omelet With Swiss Chard:

This is a great option for both breakfast and dinner simply by serving a frittata and a light salad of your choice.

What Are The Low Carb Vegetables You Can Eat?

Vegetables don’t have many calories but the best thing is that rich in vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients for your body.

Here the 7 best low carb vegans for you, but, of course, there are more:


Mushrooms have only 1 gram of easily digestible carbs a serving. They can lessen inflammation in those who suffer metabolic syndrome.

Bell Peppers:

Bell peppers are anti-inflammatory by nature, only have 6 grams of carbs per serving, and have loads of vitamins C and A.


Sautéed spinach contains 3 grams of easily digestible carbs. Moreover, spinach has lots of vitamin K and helps protect the heart and keeps your vision strong.


Zucchini – and other types of summer squash – has 3 grams of easily digestible carbs and has lots of vitamin C.


Broccoli has only 4 grams of easily digestible carbs in a serving and lots of vitamin K and C reducing your risks for cancer and your insulin resistance.


Avocados provide your body with 3 grams of total carbs per a serving. They increase your feelings of fullness and have a great amount of heart-healthy fiber and fat.


With only 4 grams in asparagus per serving, it has to be on our list, especially that it protects you from cancer and has a handful of amazing vitamins.

Now, as promised, I’ll tell you some low carb pasta recipes since you are a pasta lover!

6 Delicious Low Carb Pasta Recipes:

A meal of Spaghetti with Meatballs has more carbohydrates than 8 Oreo cookies, calories that are equal to 740 calories, and it doesn’t have the nutrition you need and won’t help you with your low carb diet plan.

So, I’ve decided to list for you some yummy substitutions for pasta, yet delivering almost the same taste and sensation when eating pasta.

Grain-free spaghetti with meat sauce:

This is my favorite low carb pasta recipe of all times, as it is rich in sensational nutrients that always satisfy my taste buds. This spaghetti recipe has lots of fibers and proteins, which makes it your best pasta recipe for a low carb diet plan.

Cauliflower ‘risotto’:

Risotto is the essence of Italian luxury low-carb food, however, it won’t do your waistline any compliments. This Cauliflower recipe will leave your stomach satisfied and will keep your waistline nicely shaped without sacrificing your physique.

Zucchini pasta with toasted hazelnuts and goat cheese:

This zucchini low carb recipe combines flavorful spices such as thyme, chili, ginger, and garlic. You can add some deliciousness to your meal by adding hazelnuts and goat cheese for a yummy pasta noodle meal.

“This is a simple way to cut back on calories and carbs without sacrificing taste,” writes Ford.

Chicken noodles and winter pesto:

DiSpirito – an award-winning chef – says: “Thinly sliced chicken cooks quickly and makes a wonderful stand-in for traditional carb-filled pappardelle pasta. Plus, the nutritious escarole and hint of winter spices make this dish a real belly warmer.”

Raw carrot pasta with peanut sauce:

Mueller describes the carrot noodles to be packed with nutrients and free of gluten. With only 15 minutes to prepare this meal, instead of making carrots your side dish, make it your main delicious low-carb meal and add proteins of your choice.

Pasta-free veggie lasagna and meat sauce:

This dish is all about fibers and vegetables, opposing to the traditional unhealthy lasagna. With this low carb lasagna, you’ll feel satisfied and not stuffed! if you are looking for a low carb meal and muscle building, I highly recommend this lasagna.

Let’s move onto some ideas for low carb dinner and the best option for your diet plan.

5 Satisfying Ideas For A Low Carb Dinner:

Sausage Egg Roll in a Bowl:

Can you imagine that this dish has only 5.9 grams of carbohydrates and it tastes so delicious too? You’ll get to enjoy more vegetables and meat with some eggs.

Turkey Meatloaf Florentine:

This dish has a potent punch of vitamin K and eye-catching green color! It has a fair amount of low carbs, just 11.5 grams of carbs per serving.

Low-Carb Sausage and Egg Noodles:

This yummy dinner of 8.5 grams of carbohydrates will make you enjoy thin strips of omelet noodles that you must try!

Philly Cheesesteak Tinfoil Dinner:

With 17.9 grams of carbohydrates, it has a fair amount of low carb, yet a great satisfaction for your taste buds in its provolone cheese, the meat, onions, and the peppers.

Stuffed Baby Eggplants:

Anyone, especially for a low carb vegan diet, who is looking for a substitution for meat, eggplant is always the answer. But, in this meal you will eat both, meat and eggplants, giving you a meal of 25 grams of carbohydrates.

What to avoid in low carb diet:

Stay away from:

Anything with more than 5 to 10 carbs.
Any form of bread or pastry.
Sauces made with milk or creme.
Fried foods.
Foods with high-fat content.
Fast foods.
Sugar, including soda, candy, or processed foods.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is too much protein bad for a low carb diet?

Too much protein can kick you out of ketosis if that’s what you’re trying to achieve with a low carb diet.

What constitutes as too much protein depends on your body and varies for each individual.

Do low-carb diets work?

Low Carb High Fat is a way of living.  It is a lifestyle change.  We do not treat it as a diet meant for short-term weight loss.  Many people follow LCHF lifestyle for controlling blood sugar and fat loss is happy by-product.  Those who got into diabetes or pre-diabetes cannot drop LCHF is the middle, because the diabetes condition is irreversible but controllable through LCHF and IF.

Definitely, low-carb diets work for controlling blood sugar, reducing waist size, reducing body fat percentage, improving blood profile such as Cardiac Risk Markers (hsCRP, cholesterol ratios and APO ratio), improving Thyroid function, inducing better sleep and improving brain alertness.

What is the best low carb diet plan?

In my opinion and the opinions of others, the ketogenic diet  is the BEST low carb diet you can do for weight loss.

That’s all for the low carb diet and some fantastic ideas for you. You should share it with family and friends, and share with us your low carb diet plan and recipes for inspiration.