How To Burn Fat With Natural Snacks

A lot of people think that when you are on a diet you have to give up snacking. This is a very wrong notion to make. Not because you are trying to burn  fat, do you have to let go of snacks. Snacking may add a few extra calories into the equation. In fact, there have been instances that people on a diet, crash out because they eat too much in between meals.

The goal here is pretty simple. Unless you want to experience a lot of anxiety and stress as a result of your bad decisions and misinformed moves then you need to get educated on the proper way to burn fat. Healthy snacks are allowed in a diet provided you watch the amount of calories and eat only those foods that can help you burn fat. If you are clueless on what food can actually burn body fat instead of adding to it, here are some examples.


Apples are perfect snack foods because they are not calorie dense unlike other foods that people usually snack on. Apples only have 52 calories per 100 grams which is not much. It takes more energy to burn the apple calories, than the caloric value of the apple. Apples are perfect examples of fiber-rich foods that you can eat. This is on top of the vitamins and nutrients plus the anti-oxidants that can help the body counter the ill-effects of free radicals. Apples are great in improving the physical well-being as well as the mental state as well.


Nuts may not be a logical choice for a fat-burning snack but in a Harvard study women who ate nuts twice a week gained less weight compared to other women that did not snack on nuts. Nuts, particularly peanuts, are calorie-dense but the amount of fiber and nutrients in these small packets of goodness may help the body feel fuller faster and longer. This would keep the body from eating further thus lowering the chances of getting more calories in the succeeding meals. Also, the fiber can help burn fat as the body would need to have more energy to actually burn it. It would also help to put in some spices on the nuts.

Chili-based snacks

Studies show that capsaicin in chili peppers increases the metabolic rate a bit which may also convince your brain that you had enough food for one snack.


Yogurt is a great way to get live microorganisms in your body. Yogurt is a great probiotic food that helps balance the amount of intestinal flora. Not only is it great for dieters it can actually make you happy. It is learned that the source of the feel-good chemical serotonin is in the gut not in the brain as previously thought. Fat-free yogurt and sweetened by sucralose only have 165 calories to help dieters eat around their cravings.

Carrot sticks and Other Veggies

Rabbits love it and you should too. Carrot sticks dipped in dieter-friendly dip can actually provide you more than the needed vitamin A that you should be getting in a day. 14 carrot sticks only have 105 calories and 105% of the daily value for vitamin A. It is also a good source of dietary fiber which enables your body to burn fat.

No Butter Popcorn

Popcorn is a, wait, what? Yes, you read that right and it is not a typo. Popcorn, as long as it is not salted and there is no butter can be a great fat-burning food that you can snack on. A cup of popcorn only has 20 calories. Popcorn is an example of a whole-grain snack. In a study that was published in the journal Nutrition showed that people who ate three servings of whole-grain snacks have less body fat and belly fat compared to people that are not eating as much.

There are foods that actually burn more calories  than they actually bring into the body. These foods are known as negative calorie foods. It works by getting the body to burn a lot of calories during digestion than the amount of calories that they actually have. It is believed that the fiber makes the body consume a lot of calories digesting and makes people feel fuller thus preventing further consumption of calories in succeeding meals.

These snacks are called “negative calorie foods,” and will help your metabolism burn fat, get good bacteria and lots of fiber. You will learn to enjoy these snacks and a healthier future.