Well, the first one is don’t get it. There was a saying in Army; belly out of belt and word out of mouth seldom comes back. Still if you have gotten few extra pounds around your waist and legs, it is better to get rid of them as soon as possible as obesity is home of several other diseases. Again few words from conventional wisdom; how you would feel carrying a goat of 20 kg along with you everywhere you move, including your bedroom. Well, many of us will not like to have such a situation where you have a goat in your bedroom but if you look at yourself and have a look at your BMI, you would realize that overweight people are keeping a goat with them everywhere they move.
If you feel being short of some inspirations, you may just imagine having a goat with you. How would it feel to feed it from your food and how would it feel to try to pump blood into its organs from your heart? I hope this is going to work and if you still feel you need some advise, we have collected top 10 things you need to know about losing weight.
Here is a list derived from BBC’s programme, but you may add or subtract according to your choice.
(1) Do Not Skip Meals; A skipped meal will result urging your body to have a calorie laden food.
Have Protein Laden Breakfast; A breakfast higher in proteins keeps your hunger satisfied for longer by telling your brain that you have taken much for the time.
Have Low Fat Dairy Products; Low fat dairy products help you to excrete more of unabsorbed fats from your body. It is better to have skimmed milk, low fat yoghurt and cottage cheese.
Adopt smaller activities into your daily routine; smaller activities in daily routine help you to maintain your heart rate and calorie expenditure.
Every Calorie Counts; Keep a good record of every calorie you take including small snacks.
Soups Stay Longer in Stomach; Soups tend to stay longer in stomach than usual food. Though apparently it seems the other way round, it is scientifically proven that soups takes longer to pass from the stomach.
Small is Sufficient; It is better to use smaller plates so that you can have smaller portion sizes of food.
Wider Choice brings more; if you are offered a variety of foods, in most probability, you would end up eating more.
Exercise Carries Even when Stopped; it is proved that vigorous exercise helps in losing weight even if you have gone to sleep after a vigorous workout.
(10) Cut on your salt, sugar, oil; minimum use of salt, processed sugar and oil helps in maintain weight.
We may have more points to add in this list but what we suggest is that before going to adopt this list; just for a while imagine having a goat attached to your body. I wonder how many of us can eat junk food and take extra calories if this happens in real.