It doesn’t take rocket science to know how to turn a man on. Unlike women who are adept at suppressing their emotions when it comes to sex because they feel that it is something to be done in private or in the sanctity of marriage, men, on the other hand, react predictably and bluntly to coitus. A sultry lap dance or even wearing sexy lingerie that shows off your perfectly sculpted to-die-for-body will send their testosterone spiraling out of control. Men will always be hungry for sex just like how they used to back when they were insatiably craving for sexual pleasure during their adolescent years. Therefore, it is safe to say that boys will always be boys.
But what if I tell you that there will come a point in every man’s life wherein he will no longer find interest in sex or anything related to it. This, my dear friends, is not a myth but a very sad reality for men who always thought of themselves as unstoppable sex machines. Apparently, a man’s libido is greatly influenced by the levels of testosterone he has in his system.
When testosterone is at its peak, you can expect his libido to be skyrocketing but when it starts to dwindle, he will without a modicum of doubt, lose interest. No amount of sexy lingerie or a well-practiced lap dance will do the trick and because men become desperate to get their mojo back they start contemplating about getting medicated.
Men with low testosterone feel emasculated. Some even go through depression and seek medical help in an attempt to bring their old selves back again. While it’s true that aging can cause testosterone to decrease to about one to two percent each year, the decrease isn’t all that dramatic. But if you consider summing up all the factors both external and internal that contribute to low testosterone coupled with the advancement of one’s age then you will surely find significant changes.
The good news is that even though men are somehow prone to suffer the consequences of low testosterone that comes with age, his fate can be reversed because there are quite a number of ways to naturally help boost the production of testosterone regardless of age.
1. Exercise
The reason why we urge older men to exercise is to help fight obesity. But it’s not just obesity that we’re afraid of. Studies show that the more belly fat a man has the more likely he’ll have low testosterone because of the increase of a certain enzyme called aromatase. This enzyme helps convert testosterone found in fat cells into estrogen. If a man has more estrogen compared to testosterone his fats will be deposited in areas similar to where fats are found in women such as the breasts, the highs and the hips. Apart from that, it also increases a man’s risk of prostate cancer because it enlarges his prostate. With enough exercise (aerobic and resistance) your levels of testosterone will significantly increase and it also lowers your chances of suffering from cardiovascular diseases, obesity and cancer.
2. Seven to eight hours of sleep every night
Not a lot of you know that testosterone is synthesized during deep Rapid Eye Movement Sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep and spend less time in REM then you can expect your testosterone to take a nosedive. By simply prolonging your slumber, you are actually helping your body produce more and more of your testosterone.
3. Quit your vices.
And no we’re not talking about gambling, the vices we are referring to here are tobacco smoking and alcohol intake. If you have more than two drinks in a day then don’t question why your testosterones are running low. Substantial evidence suggests that consuming too much alcohol converts testosterone into estrogen. Smoking also reduces testosterone levels. If you’re a heavy drinker and a chronic smoker then you have to find ways to deal with these deadly vices if you want to regain your manhood.
You can save your testosterone if you will it. All it takes is a little sacrifice on your end to do what’s right and to avoid factors that cause your testosterone to go down.