Low Calorie Diet Plan or Low Carb Diet Plan

Most popular diet plans will fall into one of two categories: low-calorie diet plan or low-carb diet plan. If you’ve ever struggled to maintain a diet for a significant span of time, the solution may be a simple switch to another type of diet. There are significant differences between a low calorie diet plan and a low calorie diet plan that can have a large effect on how easy the adjustment period will be for each individual. Knowing these differences and how you can use them to your advantage will increase your chances of seeing positive, long-lasting results.

What is a low-carb diet plan?

Low-carb diets restrict your carbohydrate intake, often quite drastically. Some well-known examples of low-carb diets are the Atkins Diet, the Glycemic Index Diet, and the Zone Diet. These diets use a natural, physiological response of the human body to their advantage in order to achieve fast and effective weight loss. Basically, when the human body is deprived of

Low Calorie Diet Plan

carbohydrates, it uses its own fat stores to create the blood sugars that would normally come from carbohydrate consumption. This physiological process is thought to be an evolutionary adaptation to early humans’ hunting and gathering tendencies. As carbohydrate-rich foods were not always readily available, the human body developed the ability to create sugars from stored body fat and consumed animal fats. This ensured that no matter what food source was available, the body was able to get the energy it required.

Low-carb diet plans permit small amounts of carbohydrates to ensure proper nutritional requirements are being met and that one’s body is not completely dependent upon fats for energy. But for the most part, low-carb diets employ a strict regimen of protein and fiber-rich meal plans whereby the body is starved of carbohydrates and is forced to draw upon its own fat stores for energy. This strategy is extremely effective in both weight loss and appetite control, as in most popular low-carb diet plans there is no limit to the number of calories (of protein) that one can eat each day. In fact, low-carb diets encourage you to eat until you feel “full” as this effectively wards off cravings and potential diet crashes. One of the main advantages of this diet is that any exercise amplifies the positive effects but it is not technically required. This is a huge boon to obese dieters looking to lose an initial portion of weight before engaging in an exercise plan. If you enjoy eating protein, have trouble with cravings, and are unable to exercise extensively, then a low-carb diet may be the correct choice for you. What is a low-calorie diet plan?

A low-calorie diet plan restricts your total energy intake while employing rigorous physical activity to burn off excess fat. Some well-known examples of low-calorie diets are Weight Watchers, the South Beach Diet, and the Mediterranean Diet. Low-calorie diets can be thought of as a simple mathematical equation: Weight loss = Energy Consumed – Energy Used. In other words, if you consume less energy than you burn, you will lose weight. Low-calorie diets simply restrict your daily calorie intake to a certain number of calories that is dependent upon your height, current weight, target weight loss, and level of physical activity. These factors are the main differences between low-calorie and low-carb diets.

Major difference ahead!

However, low-calorie diets also differ in another major way: they allow you to eat carbohydrates. In low-calorie diets, carbohydrate-rich foods are often used as the source of energy for the exercise that is necessary in order to make these types of diets effective. Carbohydrates are quickly converted by the body into usable sugars, making them the ideal fuel for exercise and workouts. Carbohydrate rich foods are mainly fruits and vegetables which are also essential sources for vitamins and minerals that allow the body to function at peak efficiency. This is often promoted as a major reason as to why low-calorie diets are healthier and safer than low-carb diets, and many people find this to be comforting enough to use as a psychological edge for their diet choice.

Best use of a low calorie diet plan

Low-calorie diet plans are often recommended for dieters looking to lose a small amount of weight and also for those who are used to eating relatively small portions of food already. Very obese dieters often struggle with portion control, having grown accustomed to overeating. This results in cravings and constant hunger, which are the primary causes for diet failure. If you’re looking to lose a small amount of weight, are disciplined enough to limit your eating, and you can’t live without carbohydrates such as breads, then a low-calorie diet is probably the correct choice for you.

While it may be true that all diets are difficult to maintain, there are significant differences between low-carb and low-calorie diets. Each individual is unique, with different preferences and activity levels. Many factors need to be considered when choosing the appropriate diet, and this article has discussed several of the most prevalent differences to begin the screening process at.

The right diet for you is simply the one that you are able to stick to the easiest, resulting in long-term weight loss and positive life changes.