5 myths of dieting that you need to know about

When you resolve to diet, there are certain techniques and recommended food items that you must be aware of. Every day in your ambition to lose weight, you come to learn different aspects about dieting. What are the best means to easily lose weight? What to eat and avoid? How to make an effective diet plan? Well, all these questions sometimes leave you confused and you find it difficult distinguishing between what is real and what is bogus. There are numerous myths floating around the internet and among your friends and family about dieting.

In reality these myths are too many and can lead to unwarranted effort and hard work without offering you any concrete results. For that reason gathered here are the five foremost myths most commonly told so you don’t fall into a trap like many others.

Not eating will cause you to lose weight

Among many dieting fads and myths, the most commonly known is that eating less will help lose weight more easily. This is a myth in the true sense of the word. When you don’t eat, your body automatically adjusts its metabolism and slows it down. What this translates into is that your body starts using lesser amount of calories to carry out your regular daily activities. However, this also causes you to gain more should you resort to your normal diet. Secondly, when you starve yourself you find yourself losing energy, which can lead to many health problems.

Eating low fat foods will cause weight loss

Fat is universally known as the main cause for weight gain. This has resulted in establishing that when you eat fat free foods or even low fat foods, you will be able to lose more weight effectively. There are two important considerations that need to be kept in mind when you are about to embark on a low fat diet to lose weight. First, you need to remember that you need to burn the same quantity of calories that you consume to lose weight. Secondly, there are certain functions in the body for which fats are incredibly important and cutting off their supply can cause serious health issues.

Truth about fad diets

Sorry to break it to you but the fad diet your friends are talking about will not work. There is no ultimate fad diet that will do the trick to remain fit and healthy. They may work only because you eat less or remove certain foods from your diet, but as soon as you start consuming them again, you will begin gaining more weight.

Fad diets are recommended by your friends, colleagues and fitness magazines but they are not effective in the long term. These work only because they focus on those foods that are rich in calories and allow you to eat healthy foods. But once you acquire your desired weight, you will naturally stop following the diet and revert to your original eating routine. With this consumption of more food, you will gain more fats in turn which will start accumulating. This will cause you to gain more weight since your metabolism has gotten used to consuming lesser amounts of fat in order to carry out the necessary activities in your body.

Drinking more water to lose weight:

On paper this makes sense. Water is not only healthy and imperative for our body but also has no calories in it. But drinking water as an alternative to food will only lead to a similar state as mentioned earlier where your metabolism adapts to the new diet and adjusts the energy distribution to maintain the bodily functions. Once you stop the water diet, you will soon notice that you are not only gaining additional weight but also more rapidly.

Starch is not your enemy

Many fitness enthusiasts agree that starch should be eliminated from the diet in order to lose weight. Like carbohydrates that contribute to building up weight, starch can also play its part. But where intake of carbs is discouraged by experts, starch isn’t. It is an important building block of your body and its composition, low fat and complex carbohydrate makes it ideal for those who are dieting.

Similarly there are numerous other diet fads that become popular very quickly and fizz out after a while. You need to be extra careful when it comes to your health and body’s well being. Remember to discuss your diet plan and its validity with a doctor or a fitness expert. This will help you save both time and needless effort.