Take Sweets for Breakfast helps you Lose Weight

One of the major dramas of any weight loss diet is often, especially in the sweet tooth, removing sweets daily menu. But it seems that not only would be replaced in full by healthier foods, but even in moderate amounts may help you lose weight. That is the main conclusion to be drawn from the discovery by researchers at the University of Tel Aviv. Proven to introduce some kind of dessert, like a piece of chocolate cake, the first meal of the day can help you lose more weight and also keep the long term. Of course, should be a balanced breakfast of about 600 calories and consisting also of proteins and carbohydrates.

The key to this discovery is that the body be held whim morning, when the metabolism is more active and have more time to burn calories during the day. Introducing the only dessert for breakfast, be achieved prevent others have cravings for the day. In fact, as pointed as Daniela Jakubowicz, a professor of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tel Aviv, fight the temptation of sweets altogether negative effects, because it creates a long-term psychological addiction.

The study, published in the journal “Steroids” was held for 32 weeks and found that people who ate breakfast dessert (chocolate, cookies, cake, pastries) lost an average of 18 kilos more than the group that avoided these foods, and also managed to maintain that weight for much longer. They were divided into two groups of study participants, with the same calorie intake, but with a change in their breakfast. The first group was fed a diet low in carbohydrates, with a very light breakfast of 300 calories, while the second group was given a breakfast of 600 calories and rich in protein and carbohydrates. At study end, was this second group that had lost an average of 18 kilos more than their peers.

It is a well known the importance of breakfast as it gives us the energy to the tasks of the day, helps the proper functioning of the brain and triggers the body’s metabolism, which is essential to lose weight and keep it. Also, breakfast is the meal most successful governing ghrelin, a hormone that controls appetite.

Diets that eliminate sweets and carbohydrates are usually very effective at first, but usually end up leaving because they start to emerge withdrawal symptoms and eventually recover all or most of the weight lost, casting to ruin all that effort. Therefore, the perpetrators of this study indicate that it is best to achieve effective weight loss, control cravings with a fancy for breakfast to forgo them altogether.