Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Weight Loss After Pregnancy

New mothers are faced with quite a lot of challenges in the months which follow the birth of their child. There are new routines to get used to and plenty to do for those who care for their young. Along with the necessary infant care issues, new mothers also need to address issues which affect their mind, health, and body. One such issue which needs to be addressed by new mothers is weight loss after pregnancy. Many of these women are anxious to lose that post-baby weight and some considerations relating to weight loss after pregnancy need to be discussed.

Reasons for the Weight Gain

Prior to looking into various weight loss techniques and considerations, it is important to know why new mothers gained the weight in the first place. An expectant mother’s body increases in size for a variety of reasons. The first reason, which should be plain to see, is that there is a little person forming within the mother to be. This in and of itself is a primary reason for the weight gain. Secondly, expectant mothers gain weight as they are eating for two. A woman who is expecting a child needs to have a specific caloric intake throughout the pregnancy in order to enable the proper growth of the future child. These are two important reasons why weight gain is experienced by the expectant mother.

Amount of Weight Gained

Weight gain amongst expectant mothers will vary from individual to individual. There are a few different factors which will determine how much weight an individual gains during their pregnancy. Various factors which may determine weight gain during pregnancy include genetic factors, size of the baby, food consumed during pregnancy and amount of exercise performed during pregnancy.

With that said, this amount of weight gain will decrease as soon as the expectant mother gives birth to the child. The amount of weight loss which is seen shortly after birth of the child is dependent in part on how much the woman gained throughout her pregnancy. For example, individuals who gained less weight will be more likely to get rid of those post-baby pounds in a more speedy fashion than mothers who gained more weight during their pregnancy. How much weight an individual gained during their pregnancy is a factor in determining how quickly the weight can be lost.

How Quickly One Can Achieve Weight Loss Post-Pregnancy

The rate at which one is able to lose the post-pregnancy weight varies from woman to woman. There are many different factors which will determine how quickly one is able to shed the extra pounds acquired during pregnancy. Some of these factors include amount of exercise engaged in, type of exercise, diet, metabolism, and genetics, just to name a few. Whether a woman who has just given birth had a cesarean section or not will also affect the amount of weight loss they experience as these individuals are more restrained with regard to weight loss activities than those women who had a vaginal birth.

Part of the weight loss success seen by many women is due to sheer drive and desire. Many women are anxious to get back into those pre-pregnancy jeans and are on a mission for achieving complete weight loss success. These types of individuals tend to experience a more expedient weight loss success than other individuals who may not be as motivated to lose the extra pounds.

Exercise to Achieve Weight Loss

One of the best ways in which women can lose weight post-pregnancy is to exercise. The amount and type of exercise which a woman in this condition should engage in depends upon a variety of factors. Some of these such factors include type of birth, point in time after birth of child, amount of weight loss desired and personal preferences. There are many different exercise regimens which can be engaged in that will bring about the desired result. One should consider what types of exercise are available to them and what they like to do with regard to exercising as particular types of exercise will be more desirable than others. After all, having fun while working out makes the experience even that much better.

It is important to note that new mothers should not overdo the exercising. As their bodies are getting back to normal and need some tender loving care during the process, it is vital that these women do not push themselves too hard. Exercising should be done in a slow and steady manner at a pace which is most beneficial for the individual woman.

A Good Diet Will Promote Weight Loss

Another great way to promote weight loss is through dietary means. A good diet full of fruits and vegetables is one which will help the woman lose weight post-pregnancy. Although some fat content is good, especially for the breastfeeding mother, it is important not to eat large quantities of fat if one wishes to lose some weight after the birth of their child. The diet which an individual follows will vary depending upon how much weight an individual wishes to lose, the time frame in which they desire to lose the weight and whether or not the woman is breastfeeding. All of these factors will determine what type of diet an individual should follow.


Breastfeeding is a method which serves a variety of purposes. Most individuals are familiar with breastfeeding as being a way to provide milk for one’s baby. However, one who breastfeeds their child will also see a number of other beneficial results. One result in particular deals with weight loss post-pregnancy. A woman who breastfeeds is one who will find that their uterus will pull back into place more quickly and return to its normal size faster than an individual who feeds their baby infant formula. This will result in a firmer, tauter stomach. In addition to the retraction of the uterus, a woman who breastfeeds will burn more calories than perhaps her non-breastfeeding counterpart. Breastfeeding is wonderful not only for the baby but for the woman as well.


Many women may feel that achieving weight loss after having a baby will be an uphill battle. This is not the case as there are a number of wonderful ways in which the new mother can lose the pregnancy weight in a healthy and efficient manner.