Setting Goals for Weight Loss

Weight loss is a worldwide issue for many people on a daily basis. Everyone would like to lose it quickly but is this the right way? Each New Year we see many dieters on various diets that give quick results only to have them put the weight back on, soon after. Most people look for the quick fix rather than setting a realistic long term goal. It is important to set a goal and implement a strategy for a proper weight loss plan. Setting a goal usually makes the objective attainable.

There are three basic points to healthy weight loss goals. First you need an exact number for how much weight is to be lost and how long this should take. Try to be precise in setting this goal. Inspiration should be the next point. Your motivation should be inspired by a healthier lifestyle, lower cholesterol level, an increased ability of physical activity and a decreased risk of heart disease. The final point should be your reward. Imagine your improved physical appearance, your new agility and just feeling great. Set your reward to your achievements. Only reward yourself when you reach your goals. Do not use food as a reward! It is not easy to attain each goal although time, dedication and commitment are essential in helping you attain them.

There should be both short and long term goals. Short term goals should be only termed for one to six months. Try not to confuse your long term goals with the short ones as this will only discourage your fro reaching your long term goals. Quick weight loss is attributed to short term goals. Set yourself with short term goals so that you can see and track your progress and then reward yourself as you reach them. Even though it would seen that the quick ten pound loss would be more rewarding than a slow, consistent weight loss, gaining it back just as quickly will prove otherwise.

If your goal is to lose more that ten pounds you must examine your long term goals. Is you goal to decrease you clothing size by a few sizes? Would your goal be to increase your walking times by one hour? Is your goal to increase your run to five miles? You might have to make more dramatic changes to your present lifestyle. These long term goals take a lot of examination and planning. You must determine what you want to achieve in the future. It could be 3 months, one year or even five years for you long term goal planning.

It is important to examine the challenges that contributed to your weight gain. Is it holiday times, when getting together with family contributes to overeating? Is it going out to restaurants for business meetings or going on vacation that makes it difficult for you to stick on your diet? Be aware of your lifestyle and habits. Try to examine them and see how they make it difficult to maintain or lose weight over a longer period of time. Try to reward yourself with a more satisfying award when reaching these goals.

Setting the proper weight goals should be carefully researched. It is a challenging task that if done properly can make you feel better and be healthier. Put some thought into setting those goals, they can be rewarding.