Folk wisdom says that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Various studies have demonstrated this might be true, showing there are numerous health benefits of eating breakfast, including helping you lose weight by curbing your appetite and moderating the amount of food you eat the rest of the day.
Although a recent study by Cornell University contradicted the dieting benefits of eating breakfast, it is still considered by many in the health industry to be an essential meal.
Not only is breakfast important to eat, but what you eat for breakfast affects how your body responds the rest of the day as well. Therefore, you want to ensure you eat a healthy breakfast, rather than just picking the easiest option. A new study reveals the best type of breakfast for helping you lose weight: high protein.
The word “Breakfast” means “breaking the fast.” The average person does not eat for at least 12 hours between dinner and breakfast. When trying to lose weight, you have to keep your metabolism from stopping. Breakfast re-starts your body burning calories.
If you skip Breakfast, your body, to protect itself, will stop burning calories. Women are especially susceptible to this shut down of their bodies, because of their inherent nature to hold onto fat.
Obesity Society Presentation
A presentation at the annual Obesity Society’s scientific meeting revealed the importance of having protein for breakfast. A typical American diet has adequate amounts of protein; however, the largest amount of protein consumed is for dinner and the least amount for breakfast. Increasing the portion of protein in the morning can curb appetite, decreasing the possibility of overeating as the day unfolds.
In the study from Biofortis Clinical Research, a Mérieux NutriSciences company, participants ate breakfast meals that all had about 300 calories with similar fiber and fat content. Some ate protein-rich food containing 30 to 39 grams of protein, others had low protein content and others skipped the meal entirely.
During the study, the participants answered an appetite questionnaire that included questions about their levels of hunger, desire to eat, and fullness throughout the day.
They answered the questions before breakfast and then every 30 minutes between breakfast and lunch. For lunch, the participants were served tortellini with sauce and told to eat until they felt full.
Better Appetite Ratings
Those who had the protein-rich breakfast food had better appetite ratings, including feeling less hungry, more full, and did not feel like eating as much throughout the morning. They also consumed fewer calories during lunch in comparison to those who had a low-protein diet or skipped breakfast entirely.
It makes sense that eating protein for breakfast helps you lose weight. Protein is a very important nutrient for the body—and the mind. Protein is made up of amino acids, which are called the building blocks of life, and are necessary to build new cells and tissues and synthesize the proteins necessary for basic bodily functions.
Protein deficiency can cause major health problems, and even a small lack of protein can cause some health problems, which is why you want to include it in your first meal of the day.
Protein also helps build muscle. Your bodies muscles are the most proficient FAT BURNER your body has. Muscle burns fat, turning it into energy for all your days activity.
Protein Helps Curb Appetite
Protein is also important to curbing appetite and maintaining energy levels. Protein takes longer for the body to metabolize than carbohydrates or fat, which is why you remain satiated for longer.
Protein also keeps your blood sugar stable, meaning you do not get the spikes of energy followed by a crash that occur with sugary foods and simple carbs.
Instead, you have sustained energy to get you through the morning until lunch without the need for that extra coffee or reaching for that chocolate bar. You also will not feel as hungry, so you will eat less at lunch and consume fewer calories. This can help you lose weight.
Plenty Of High Protein Breakfast Ideas
There are plenty of high protein breakfast ideas. You can include sources of protein for breakfast such as sausage, bacon, eggs, ham, nuts, beans, cheese, and yogurt. Additionally, you can have a protein shake for breakfast.
However, when designing your optimal breakfast, consider more than just the protein levels. Although protein is important, you want to minimize the amount of fat, preservatives, sugar, salt, and other unhealthy ingredients you consume.
The best breakfast to eat includes a good balance of protein and carbohydrates with plenty of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, good fats, and other essential nutrients.
Greek yogurt with berries, a protein smoothie made from fresh fruit with added flax-seed, or eggs on whole wheat toast with some avocado and a grapefruit make really healthy meals packed with protein.
If you include protein in your breakfast, you start your day off feeling great and it takes longer for you to feel hungry again, helping you to minimize the amount of unhealthy food you eat during the rest of the day. This helps you maintain a healthier weight, body, and mind.