The Art of Eating a healthy balanced diet

Obesity is the most common disorder today and the main cause of many health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and kidney disease. The main reason for obesity is an imbalance in our diet, which causes a large accumulation of fat in the body. In order to control obesity, calorie intake is reduced while maintaining the daily nutrition needs of the body.

A balanced diet is one that regularly includes foods that meet the needs of our body for the great variety of nutrients needed to stay healthy. Repetitive meal diets are what most affect health. This means there is no need to make a list of “forbidden foods” that you have to learn to live without them.

But given the state of our overall health, it is clear that the habits of most people are in dire need of correction and adjustment. Too many processed and high-fat foods, coupled with little or no physical activity, are raising our rates of obesity, heart disease and diabetes, at younger and younger ages. On the other hand, experts tell us that many of these health problems can be avoided with a balanced diet and exercising regularly. And the sooner we start, the better.

Without proper knowledge, the tendency is to distrust and label many of the foods as “bad.” Keep in mind that a healthy diet is not just about limiting things that are not so good for you, it is also about going out of your way to eat nutritious foods.

Here are some general guidelines for making healthy food choices:

Eat more fruits and vegetables. Studies show that eating more vegetables and fruits at mealtimes helps avoid foods with higher calorie content less nutritious, without letting you feel hungry.

Include low-fat, protein foods: red meat, poultry, fish, shellfish and eggs, low-fat dairy products, grains, soy foods, nuts and seeds. These foods will help you meet your daily protein needs (50 grams per day for women, 63 grams for men), and provide many important vitamins and minerals.

Choose whole grains whenever possible. Choose whole-grain breads, rice and whole-wheat pasta.

Limit access to “junk food”. They greatly increase your chances of overextending if they are within reach or are too easy to get.

Cut out foods rich in saturated fats. Limit foods that are fried, prepared with sauces, creams or cheese, or a lot of butter and oil.

Take all the time you need to get the right foods and do not skip meals. Skipping meals during the day also often leads to overeating at night, unhealthy habit, particularly for those who watch their weight.

For all of this to be accomplished, it is important to create an environment for good eating and thus have a greater likelihood of it happening. This implies a bit of planning for good food to be available, spending time and learning to enjoy a balanced and healthy diet without seeming to be an obligation anymore.